Hyperspectral reflectance at Niwot Ridge, Colorado 2017-2018
2 individual datasets are provided to accompany the following article: Rui Cheng, Troy S. Magney, Debsunder Dutta, David R. Bowling, Barry A. Logan, SeanP. Burns, Peter D. Blanken, Katja Grossmann, Sophia Lopez, Andrew D. Richardson,Jochen Stutz, and Christian Frankenberg. Accepted online Aug 2 2020. Decomposing reflectance spectra to track gross primary productionin a subalpine evergreen forest. Biogeosciences. doi: 10.5194/bg-2020-41. This dataset will provide researchers with daily-averaged and canopy-averaged reflectance spectra for the evergreen needleleaf forest presented in the main figures presented in the paper. More information on the methods can be found in the paper and supplementary information doi: 10.5194/bg-2020-41. Please contact Rui Cheng, rui.cheng@caltech.edu, if you plan to use the data or have any questions.
Related Publication: Decomposing reflectance spectra to track gross primary production in a subalpine evergreen forest Rui Cheng California Institute of Technology Biogeosciences https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-2020-41 eng
Additional details
- 1597
- :unav NNX16AP33G
- NASA Carbon Monitoring Systems program
- :unav 7094866
- DOE, Office of Science through the AmeriFlux Management Project (AMP) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory