Published April 7, 2022 | Version 1.0
Dataset Open

Caltech Home Objects 2006

  • 1. ROR icon California Institute of Technology


This dataset contains random objects from home. The objects are taken mostly from kitchen, bathroom and living-room environments. Each directory ("Train" and "Test") contains a subdirectory named 'Gtruth/', containing ground truth .mat files. The .mat files contain a variable 'outline'. For training images, 'outline' contains the corners of a bounding box defining the model in the training image. For test images, 'outline' contains the names of the models present in the image along with a bounding box for each of them. If a same training object is defined by several training images, 'outline' references all these training images, with the same bounding box. You can also find a tar archive of the whole dataset in "HomeObjects06.tar".

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September 8, 2022
November 18, 2022