Transcriptome assemblies and RNASeq read coverage of Dalotia from "The genomic and cellular basis of biosynthetic innovation in rove beetles"
This dataset contains various transcriptome assemblies of Dalotia coriaria, including tissue-specific male and female antennal transcriptomes, whole body individual male and female beetle transcriptomes, and a transcriptome constructed from all the tissues (brain, antenna, abdomenal segments) and lifestages (adults, larvae and pupae). The RNAseq read coverage for one representative sample of each respective read set taht was used in the comprehensive transcriptome are included here as bigwig files. These files can be visualized on the Dalotia v3 genome assembly (available at 10.22002/62xxb-mak64).
We also provide the transcriptome assemblies of Aleochara sp. 3, Drusilla canaliculata, Holobus sp., Liometoxenus newtonarum and Lissagria laeviuscula used in gene prediction of the respective species. The transcriptome assemblies of Aleochara, Holobus, Liometoxenus, Dalotia sex-specific body and Dalotia comprehensive were constructed using the genome-guided approach while the transcriptomes of Drusilla, Lissagria and Dalotia antenna were constructed using the de novo approach with TRINITY v2.5.1.
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