marSURTP.txt Input file name of REMS surface temperature and barometric pressure REMSopd7.txt Input file name of atmospheric optical density data VPice1.txt Input file name of vapor pressure of ice data marrem75.txt Output file name for voluminous output data Testing barometric pumping with carbon dioxide. -4.59 Latitude of location to be modeled. (degrees; - valus for Southern hemisphere) 0.2 Thermal diffusivity of surface materials (meters2/sec) 2.0 Thermal conductivity of surface materials (Watts/m.K) 1.5 Specific heat of surface materials (kJ/kgK) 2.7 Density of surface materials (g/cm3 in Earth gravity) 2 Surface temperature data to use (1 for WRF; 2 for REMS) .01 Depth used to model temperatures in the subsurface (meters); Zero cannot be used. .9526054.0396919.0077027 Proportion of CH4, C2H6, CO2 in gas phase at selected depth as computed by VERTMIG2. .01058 Viscosity of gas phase (centipoise) 50. .5 Depth to be modeled and depth interval (meters) 0.1 Gas filled porosity of surface materials 1.0D-7 Permeability of surface materials (cm2) 821.44 Average barometric pressure at the surface (Pascals) 2. Number of pressure cyles per year 818.84 85.60 Peak pressure and amplitude of first barometric wave (Pascals) 824.05 87.36 Peak pressure and amplitude of second barometric wave (Pascals) 2 Barometric pressure correction procedure to use; 1 for constant multiplier; 2 for opacity controlled .01 Flux rate of deep-sourced gas (grams/Ls) 1. 0.62500 .05833 .10833 .20833 Total gas adsorptive capacity of the surface materials (grams/kg of surface matrials) AND relative adsorption coefficient of CO2, CH4, C2H6, N3, respectively