1. source: The reference to the original data source.
2. location: The name of the location where the suspended sediment concentration-depth profile was sampled.
3. DP: The name of the concentration-depth profile.
4. collection_date: Date of sample collection. The format is [year of sample collection]-[month of sample collection]-[day of sample collection].
5. longitude: WGS84 longitude of the sample location.
6. latitude: WGS84 latitude of the sample location.
7. depth: The total water depth in meters when the sample was collected at the sampling site.
8. fbfloc: The volume fraction of sediment in the bed finer than the suspension floc cutoff diameter.
9. D50: The median grain size of bed sediment in microns.
10. Dts: The suspension floc cutoff diameter in microns.
11. Dte: The entrainment floc cutoff diameter in microns.