This document contains metadata for "riverfloc_datacompilation.csv." This document describes each variable in the table.
Each row in the table represents data for a single suspended sediment concentration profile. Please refer to the main text and supporting information for more details.

1. source: The reference to the original data source. The format is [author] [publication year].
2. river: The name of the river where the suspended sediment concentration profile was sampled.
3. longitude: WGS84 longitude of the sample location.
4. latitude: WGS84 latitude of the sample location.
5. collection_date: Date of sample collection. The format is [year of sample collection]-[month of sample collection]-[day of sample collection].
6. depth: The total water depths in meters when the sample was collected at the sampling site.
7. npoints: The number of suspended sediment samples collected in the vertical profile.
8. shear_velocity: The local boundary shear velocity in meters/second associated with the suspended sediment concentration profile.
9. u_mean: The average flow velocity in meters/second associated with the suspended sediment concentration profile.
10. bed_D84: The median grain size in m of the bed material at the suspended sediment concentration profile location.
11. A: The fitted dimensionless coefficient in the power law relationship of beta (in the Rouse equation) and the ratio of particle settling velocity and shear velocity.
12. b: The fitted dimensionless power in the in the power law relationship of beta (in the Rouse equation) and the ratio of particle settling velocity and shear velocity.
13. c1: The first fitted dimensionless coefficient in the inverse Ferguson and Church (2004) settling velocity model (1/ws = c1*D^{-2} + c2*D^{-1/2}) in the selected piecewise function in particle diameter-settling velocity space.
14. c2: The second fitted dimensionless coefficient in the inverse Ferguson and Church (2004) settling velocity model (1/ws = c1*D^{-2} + c2*D^{-1/2}) in the selected piecewise function in particle diameter-settling velocity space.
15. c0: The sum of the grain size-specific fitted volumetric near-bed suspended sediment concentration (dimensionless) from the Rouse equation.
16. c0_ci_upper: The sum of the grain size-specific upper 68% confidence interval bound on the fitted volumetric near-bed suspended sediment concentration (dimensionless) from the Rouse equation.
17. c0_ci_lower: The sum of the grain size-specific lower 68% confidence interval bound on the fitted volumetric near-bed suspended sediment concentration (dimensionless) from the Rouse equation.
18. dp: The computed primary particle diameter in meters.
19. km: The computed near-bed Kolmogorov microscale in meters.
20. dt: The fitted floc cutoff diameter in meters.
21. dt_ci_lower: The lower 68% confidence interval bound on the fitted floc cutoff diameter in meters.
22. dt_ci_upper: The upper 68% confidence interval bound on the fitted floc cutoff diameter in meters.
23. dt_se_pred_lower: The lower standard error of the floc cutoff diameter predicted by the model in meters.
24. dt_se_pred_upper: The upper standard error of the floc cutoff diameter predicted by the model in meters.
25. wsfloc: The fitted floc settling velocity in meters/second.
26. wsfloc_ci_lower: The lower 68% confidence interval bound on the fitted floc settling velocity in meters/second.
27. wsfloc_ci_upper: The upper 68% confidence interval bound on the fitted floc settling velocity in meters/second.
28. wsfloc_se_pred_lower: The lower standard error of the floc settling velocity predicted by the model in meters/second.
29. wsfloc_se_pred_upper: The upper standard error of the floc settling velocity predicted by the model in meters/second.
30. df: The fitted floc diameter in meters.
31. df_ci_lower: The lower 68% confidence interval bound in the fitted floc diameter in meters.
32. df_ci_upper: The upper 68% confidence interval bound in the fitted floc diameter in meters.
33. df_se_pred_lower: The lower standard error of the floc diameter predicted by the model in meters.
34. df_se_pred_upper: The upper standard error of the floc diameter predicted by the model in meters.
35. pctOC: The assigned percent weight organic carbon of suspended sediment samples (percentage).
36. Al.Si: The assigned molar aluminum-silicon ratio of suspended sediment (dimensionless).
37. c_mean_total: The computed depth-averaged volumetric suspended sediment concentration (dimensionless).
38. c_mean_mud: The computed depth-averaged volumetric suspended mud sediment concentration (dimensionless).
39. clay_fraction: The computed clay (grain diameter < 2 microns) fraction of the depth-averaged suspended sediment concentration (dimensionless).
40. temperature: The assigned water temperature in degrees Celsius taken concurrently with sampling of water samples for major ion concentration. Set to 15 deg C if not measured.
41. Na: The assigned Na+ ion concentration in mg/L from river geochemistry data compilation.
42. K: The assigned K+ ion concentration in mg/L from river geochemistry data compilation.
43. Ca: The assigned Ca2+ ion concentration in mg/L from river geochemistry data compilation. If unavailable, estimated with Ca/Na data from the same river.
44. Mg: The assigned Mg2+ ion concentration in mg/L from river geochemistry data compilation. If unavailable, estimated with Mg/Na data from the same river.
45. HCO3: The assigned HCO3- (bicarbonate) ion concentration in mg/L from river geochemistry data compilation.
46. SO4: The assigned SO42- (sulfate) ion concentration in mg/L from river geochemistry data compilation.
47. Cl: The assigned Cl- ion concentration in mg/L from river geochemistry data compilation.
48. ionic_strength: The computed ionic strength in mol/m^3 from the assigned dissolved species concentrations.
49. debye: The computed Debye length in meters.
50. phi: The computed relative charge density parameter phi (dimensionless).
51. theta: The computed theta parameter, fraction of particle surface covered by organic matter assuming spherical particle shape (dimensionless).