Published April 16, 2020 | Version v0.14.0
Software Open

caltechlibrary/epxml_to_datacite: Switch to DataCite REST API, 4.3 schema, and add prefix options for tech report

  • 1. Caltech Library


Morrell, T. E. (2020). caltechlibrary/epxml_to_datacite: Switch to DataCite REST API, 4.3 schema, and add prefix options for tech report (v0.14.0). CaltechDATA.


This major release switches from using the DataCite MDS API to the DataCite REST API. It updates the metadata schema for DataCite 4.3 and adds in a ROR Affiliation Identifier for CaltechTHESIS records. Operationally both the CaltechAUTHORS and CaltechTHESIS scripts now update DOI metadata with DataCite, instead of providing the user the option to overwrite DOIs in the Eprints record. The new prefix option in caltech_authors_techreports allows users to mint DOIs for groups that use a non-Caltech Library prefix. All code has also been formatted with the Black code formatter. If you're upgrading, please uninstall the datacite library with `pip ininstall datacite` and reinstall the new version with `pip install -r requirements.txt` from within the epxml_to_datacite folder.

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Transform Eprints XML to DataCite XML

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September 8, 2022
November 18, 2022