Published September 17, 2024 | Version 20240916
Dataset Embargoed

Time-averaged TCCON GGG2020 data, revision 20240916

  • 1. ROR icon Jet Propulsion Lab


Laughner, J. (2024). Time-averaged TCCON GGG2020 data, revision 20240916 (Version 20240916) [Data set]. CaltechDATA.


This dataset contains TCCON data average to 30 min bins through the beginning of April 2024. This release is intended to support the OCO v11 Model Intercomparison Project. Please review the TCCON data use policy on the TCCON wiki at, particularly the section on coauthorship. Some of the data contained in this dataset may be private until Apr 2025; therefore work that benefits from having access to this dataset prior to April 2025 has a particular responsibility to offer coauthorship to the TCCON network. The .tgz file contains one netCDF4 file per day with 30 minute averages from all TCCON stations operating on that day. The variables are organized into groups by gas; for this release, the only group is "CO2".  Publications that use this dataset must cite both this dataset itself (for traceability) and the individual TCCON datasets that comprise it. Within each daily file, the "station_id" variable has attributes that list the DOI and reference for each TCCON station with data in that file. Additionally, the .tgz file contains citations in 3 formats (plain text, JSON, and BibTex) for all of the individual TCCON datasets included in this release to streamline including the necessary references. Finally, users should note that this dataset will not be updated with revisions of TCCON data generated after 17 Sept 2024. The "station_id" variable in each netCDF file also contains the revision number for each TCCON dataset included in that file. To see if a new revision for a particular site has been released, compare the revision number in the daily netCDF files here to that in the individual datasets linked on


The files will be made publicly available on April 2, 2025.

Reason: Contains TCCON data that is private until this date.

Additional details

September 18, 2024
September 18, 2024