Measurements of atmospheric HDO/H2O in southern California from CLARS-FTS
These are data for the paper Zeng et al. 2021, JGR-A, under review, preprint at: Brief Intro: we retrieved HDO and H2O columns from observations by the California Laboratory for Atmospheric Remote Sensing Fourier Transform Spectrometer (CLARS-FTS), a mountaintop observatory on Mt. Wilson (1.67 km above sea level) overlooking the Los Angeles (LA) basin in southern California. CLARS-FTS observations are highly sensitive to the lower atmosphere due to the long light path along the PBL. Retrievals were conducted using spectral windows centered in the range of 6000-7000 cm -1. The entire spectral record of CLARS-FTS from 2011-2019 was processed. The isotopological abundance δD, which represents the relative difference of the HDO/H2O ratio to a standard abundance ratio, is also calculated.
Related Publication: Measurements of atmospheric HDO/H2O in southern California from CLARS-FTS eng
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