Published August 10, 2021 | Version 1.0
Dataset Open

Data for "InSight Rock Size-frequency Distributions on Mars"

  • 1. Caltech Jet Propulsion Laboratory


Golombek, M. (2021). Data for "InSight Rock Size-frequency Distributions on Mars" (1.0) [Data set]. CaltechDATA.


This file describes data related to Golombek et al. 2021 submission "InSight Rock Size-frequency Distributions on Mars." This work was performed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (80NM0018D0004). Questions regarding these data or the paper should be directed to or or This .zip archive contains data used in the analyses contained within the paper and its figures. Listing of files: - D_LRGBI0160XILT030100ORRAS__1MM_10MM1.tif & *.tfw: Orthoimage mosaic derived from stereo IDC images, with a radius from center of 10 meters and cell size of 1 millimeter per pixel. The *.tif contains 3 bands (RGB) of 16-bit unsigned integer reflectance data, and the *.tfw is an associated world file containing spatial referencing information of the image in site frame. - D_LRGBI0160XDEM030100ORRAS__1MM_10MM1.tif & *.tfw: Digital Elevation Model (DEM) mosaic derived from stereo IDC images with +Z-down spacecraft convention, with a radius from center of 10 meters and cell size of 1 millimeter per pixel. The *.tif contains 1 band of 32-bit float elevation data with units of meters, and the *.tfw is an associated world file containing spatial referencing information of the image in site frame. - D_LRGBI0160XILT030100ORRAS__5MM_35MM1.tif & *.tfw: Orthoimage mosaic derived from stereo IDC images, with a radius from center of 35 meters and cell size of 5 millimeters per pixel. The *.tif contains 3 bands (RGB) of 16-bit unsigned integer reflectance data, and the *.tfw is an associated world file containing spatial referencing information of the image in site frame. - D_LRGBI0160XDEM030100ORRAS__5MM_35MM1.tif & *.tfw: Digital Elevation Model (DEM) mosaic derived from stereo IDC images with +Z-down spacecraft convention, with a radius from center of 35 meters and cell size of 5 millimeters per pixel. The *.tif contains 1 band of 32-bit float elevation data with units of meters, and the *.tfw is an associated world file containing spatial referencing information of the image in site frame. - InSight_CFAData.xlsx: Spreadsheet containing rock diameters, cumulative fractional areas, and cumulative number of rocks per square meter for rocks measured in the near and far fields.

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Related Publication: InSight Rock Size-frequency Distributions on Mars Golombek, Matthew JPL Earth and Space Science eng

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September 9, 2022
November 18, 2022