Diagenesis of the Clay-Sulfate Stratigraphic Transition, Mount Sharp Group, Gale Crater, Mars
This data accompanies "Diagenesis of the Clay-Sulfate Stratigraphic Transition, Mount Sharp Group, Gale Crater, Mars".
Included is a .csv file, "MAHLI_diagenetic_texture_dataset.csv". This file lists all MAHLI observations (supplemented by Mastcam for 11 sols when MAHLI was offline) used in this study. Columns indicate the presence (1) or absence (0) of each diagenetic texture described in the text, as well as additional measured parameters for nodule size, spacing, and density (on representative subset of targets where density was measured). MAHLI targets with concurrent APXS measurements are indicated, as well as the subset of nodule-rich MAHLI targets that were measured by APXS on dust-removed "DRT" spots.
Accompanying this file is a figure, "Nodule_populations_sizes.pdf". This figure illustrates the average nodule size in each observation (log scale), highlighting the primary and secondary populations for all mixed targets with two nodule populations. Any nodules smaller than 0.1 cm are binned in a <0.1 cm category.