This repository provides supporting data for the paper "Constraining Dike Opening Models With Seismic Velocity Changes Associated with the 2023-2024 Eruption Sequence on the Reykjanes Peninsula" by Bird et al.

Channel locations (after 10 channel downsampling) are listed in "channel_locs.csv"

Daily cross-correlations for channel pairs at ~5 km common offset, on the first 150 days after November 20, 2023 are listed in "common_offset.npz" with keys 'cc',  't_ax', 'schan', and 'echan.' Cross-correlations are in the matrix 'cc', with the shape: starting channel (100-699) x day after Nov. 20 (0-149) x t_ax (-40 to 40 seconds with 20 Hz sampling rate)

Cross-correlations summed over eruption periods are in "erperdata.npz" with keys 'cc', 't_ax', 'schan', 'ch_diff', and 'eruption_period'. We provide all such cross-correlations used in the study in a matrix 'cc' with the shape: inter-eruption period (preE1, E1-E2, E2-E3, E3-E4) x starting channel (0-599) x ch_diff (20-129) x t_ax (-40 to 40 seconds with 20 Hz sampling rate).