Identifying Ciliary Proteins in Mammalian Retinas using a Gentle Extraction Method
Adeline Fredrick
Department of Biochemistry, University of Illinois at Chicago
Drew Lab
November 29, 2023
The retina, a complex structure in the
internal layer of the ey
e that
converts light signals
to neural impulse
to the brain. The structure consists of a junction between photoreceptors
called the inner segment (IS)/outer segment (OS) line. This line has highly modified cilia that
develop the primary cilia of the retina and connect the IS to the OS. The primary cil
ia structure is
important because defects in ciliary proteins are associated with diseases such as retinitis
pigmentosa (RP), a hereditary retinal degeneration.
Currently, we lack an understanding of
protein complexes involved in forming and maintaining pr
imary cilia of the retina. We lack
optimized protocols to obtain samples with primary cilia from retinal photoreceptors to use in
throughput proteomic studies (
Wheway et al., 2014)
Here, bovine eyes were used to
conduct the research on ciliary proteins in the retina due to their availability and size which
allows a high yield of proteins harvested per retina. The eyes were dissected in a darkroom to
avoid light stimulation, a Mammali
an ringer solution was used to gently release the retina from
the bac
k of the eye and optic nerve (Panfoli et al., 2022). A lysis buffer was used with a vortex to
break the retina cells. The lysed cells were centrifuged leaving a supernatant. Once the proteins
were retrieved, detergent compatible protein assay was used foll
owed by mass spectrometry to
identify proteins present. Researching the retina allows an in depth look at the structure and
function of a highly modified and specialized primary cilia. Future plans to extend this work
include a co
fractionation mass spectr
ometry pipeline to identify protein complexes in retinal
photoreceptors; this will allow us to map the molecular network of disease relevant cells.
The most important organ of our senses are the eyes. They are responsible for 80% of all
impressions by means of our sight (Why
ision is so
mportant, 2021). Our eyes are our
windows into the world however, according to O’Neal & Luther “1 in 4,000 Americans suffer
from retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and there are no cures” (O’Neal & Luther, 2022). RP is a
hereditary disease that is caused by defects in the primary cilia. Within the
human body there are
two types of cilia, motile and non
motile. Motile cilia are projections on the outside of cells that
help the cell move or help move debris through the body by using a whip
like motion. The
structure of motile cilia comprises of dynein
ATPase motor microtubules that cause the cilia to
move. Non
motile cilia, on the other hand, lack this motor and have a different structure
altogether (
Ishikawa, 2017
). Non
motile cilia, also known as primary cilia, consist of a unique
structure of an axoneme and a basal body. Primary cilia are concentrated in the retina.
The retina
is a thin piece of tissue lining the back of the eye. It is responsible for conducting visuals from
the eye to the brain. With any damage to the retina most vision would be los
t. Primary cilia are
an important part of the retina. These cilia are part of the outer and inner segments of the retina
(Figure 1)
. The outer segment role is to absorb light and transduce the signal into a nerve signal.
The inner segment responsibility is to regulate these nerve signals and keep the outer segment
attached to the retina. (
Baker & Kerov, 2013
). With damage to the outer/inner segment the
information that your eyes intake would never reach your brain and therefore, you would n
ot be
able to
what you were looking at.
My research is to study the primary cilia and the proteins that are responsible for keeping
these cilia viable. To
understand the proteins involved we need
to construct a gentle extraction
that can
keep the cilia intact to attempt to keep our sample as densely rich with primary
cilia and proteins.
there is a lack of understanding of protein complexes involved in
forming and maintaining primary cilia of the retina as well as protocols to obtain samples with
primary cilia from retinal photoreceptors to use in high
throughput proteomic studies. Our go
al is
to determine which protein complexes in primary cilia are present and to characterize them in
relevant tissues by
a new gentle extraction protocol.
The bovine eyes were obtained from Innovative Research’s website. The eyes were US
Origin Bovine eye dark adapted retina (
Innovative Grade US Origin Bovine Eye Dark Adapted
, 2023).
ovine eyes were delivered to the lab and the dissection began 40 minutes after
, however, the sooner the eyes are dissected after delivery the better
. We turned off the
overhead lights and closed blinds to all windows in the room to reduce light exposure to the
retinas. The lens is cut off, and the vitreous humor is discarded to expose the back of the eye and
the retina. Mammalian Ringer solution is ad
ded to a basin with the half
cut backside of the eye.
The eyes were covered with foil and gently shaken with an orbital shaker for 20 minutes at 90
speed with no sign of retinas detaching. We increased the speed to 125 for 30 minutes. The basin
was taped d
own to avoid spillage. After incubation, we used tweezers to gently release the thin
retinal tissue from the back of the eye.
Panfoli et al., 2022
Once the retina is released, the optic nerve is cut, and 15 retinas are placed in a 50 mL
centrifuge grade tube and the other 15 retinas are placed in another 50mL centrifuge grade tube.
To the tubes, 500uL of Buffer A (
10 m
Pipes, pH 7.0, 5 m
MgCl2, and 1× proteinase
inhibitor mixture
) with 50% (w/v) sucrose is added. Both tubes were vortexed to dislodge the
cilia. The tubes were centrifuged for 20 minutes at 13,000 g, 4C.
Once the 20 minutes were finished, we gently removed the tubes to not disturbed the
pellet at the bottom of the tubes. The supernatant was a dark red color and was removed in thirds
and put in a new test tube. We diluted the sample with a 1:1 ratio of Buffer A without sucrose.
We g
ently pipette
up and down to mix the sample.
A sucrose cushion is gently added to the bottom of the tube with a blunt edge needle.
There should be a clear phase separation. Before placing the two samples in the centrifuge again,
weigh the tubes and carefully add Buffer A to even out the weights
. Our tubes weighed
400 uL each.
We c
both tubes again for 20 minutes at 13,000 g, 4C.
Carefully remove tubes from the centrifuge to not disrupt the phase separation. The cilia
are in the interphase separation zone and are recovered using a micropipette. We added the two
interphases into one tube (about 7mL total). Dilute sample into a 1:1 r
atio with Buffer A (no
sucrose) and centrifuge for 1 hour, 13,000g, 4C.
After centrifugation, there is a pellet at the
bottom of the tube which is incubated in Buffer B (
10 m
Pipes, pH 7.0, 5 m
MgCl2, 1%
Triton X
100, 1 m
DTT, and 1× proteinase inhibitor mixture
). The sample is centrifuged again,
and the supernatant is filtered and saved (Lui et at., 2007). The supernatant contains proteins that
are found in primary cilia.
sample was injected into a machine called High
performance Liquid
Chromatography (HPLC). HPLC separates the components of the sample down its column and
divides them into fractions from large to small (
Wan et al., 2015)
. Once the HPLC identifies the
sample constituent and collects the sample data, we estimate
the size of proteins and compare
it to previous protein standards. The full protocol is found in
Appendix A.
The goal of this research was to find a gentle extraction
and identify
complexes within primary cilia. Our research started with dissection then led to HPLC and Mass
Spec runs (Figure 2). Our research was run twice, once in January 2023 and once in May 2023.
During our first run, we did not run a successful HPCL sample, however, we sent two replicate
samples to Mass
Spec and received a list of ~1,200 proteins within both samples. To analyze this
data, we compared our data with the Syscilia database. Syscilia’s
database records all cilia within
the human proteasome. After merging our data with the syscilia database we found 23 genes that
our bovine sample had
in common with humans
With the data from the two replicates and the syscilia database we created a bar graph to
indicate which genes were
and which genes were the most abundant (Figure 4). The most
common gene DPYSL2 with an abundance of ~80 psm is associated with neuronal development
and axon growth. Within the 23 genes found,
of them were directly linked to human
ciliopathies. Genes CNGB1 and STX3 are associated with
igmentosa which is a disease
that affects how the retina responds to light. Both genes
had an abundance of roughly 13 psm.
CNGB1 is a coactivator for transcription, cell adhesion, and neurogenesis. Gene STX3 is
important for docking synaptic vesicles and for membrane fusion. The other gene linked to
human ciliopathies is LZTFL1. This gene c
orresponds with Bardet
Biedl Syndrome (BBS). BBS
is a ciliopathy that affects rod and cone development in the retina, renal formation, mental
development, and obesity (
Elawad et al., 2022
). LZTFL1 has an abundance of ~5 psm.
Using the Go Enrichment database, we looked at the top 40 most abundant genes in our Mass
Spec data and found that they were enriched with non
motile cilium, cilium
structure, and
photoreceptor annotations. As a result, we know that our 40 most abundant genes are associated
with the structure of primary cilia or photoreceptors in the retina.
Using the bovine data identified by mass
I looked into a paper that conducted a
similar experiment with mouse eyes
authored by Liu and colleagues
. Looking at their raw data I
formulated a graph of their mouse retina protein data to our bovine retina protein data and
created a scatter plot (Figure 3).
The scatter plot places the abundance of bovine proteins from
our raw Mass
Spec data on the y axis and the abundance of L
and colleagues’ paper on the x
axis. I made the graph coordinated as logs
the raw plot was congested within the 1
psm regions. The Spearman correlation was 0.394 showing that our data is correlated with Liu’s
it is not as correlated as I predicted. This could be due to
the use of
differences in sample preparatio
or the use of
mass spec
machines which hinders the
chances of having perfect correlation. When investigating the highest abundant proteins in both
datasets I found that there are eight proteins that are similar in abundance with both Lui et al.
data and our bovine data. The prote
in with the highest abundance of both species is a spectrum
beta chain known as Fodrin which plays a role in the central nervous system and cell secretion.
This confirms that our gentle extraction method produced protei
ns found in both bovine and
mouse specimens.
During our first run we had issues with our HPLC plot. Our data was not consistent with
our control group. However, during our second run, our data formed distinct peaks that
correlated with proteins. For our HPLC run we tested two replicate samples split
into 51
fractions that we combined into
larger fractions. We found the highest peak to be between
45 fractions or within the fifth fraction out of nine with a normalized value of over 1. The
second highest peak in our HPLC data was within the secon
d fraction where we observed a
normalized value of 0.4. The rest of the nine larger fractions showed normalized values around
With this information, we decided to perform a protein assay to test how much protein
actually obtained in the nine fractions. We used BIORAD DC Assay which is a detergent
compatible protein assay that is colorimetric to protein concentration. It is meant
to mimic the
Lowry assay with a faster incubation period. Figure 6 indicates the concentration of protein in
each of the 9 fractions. Fraction three contained the highest protein concentration of around
14.35ng. Our HPLC data did not correlate with this data as our hig
hest peak of protein
was in fraction 3 but our highest HPLC peak was in fraction 5
. We calculated our
total protein concentration and concluded that we did not have enough protein to accurately run a
Spec session. We found that we had betwe
en 4.12ng and 14.35 ng of protein concentration
in our second run. We needed each fraction in protein assay to be 5ug
therefore, we decided to
not send our second experimental run through a mass
spec analysis.
In this
we wanted to find a gentle extraction method to detach primary cilia from
retina due
the gap in the proteomics field of
understanding protein complexes involved in
forming and maintaining primary cilia of the retina
lack optimized protocols to
obtain samples with primary cilia from retinal photoreceptors to use in high
proteomic studies. To shrink this gap,
we created a new protocol based on Panfoli and
We used buffers, centrifugation,
spec, and HPLC to
obtain a high yield of proteins
dentify them. During run 2 we took a small sample of
aw bovine retina to view the primary
cilia’s original form
under a microscope
, however, we could not find the structure. This could be
because we did not use enough retina to be able to view the primary cilia or
the retina we
used did not have the number of primary cilia we expected it to have. This could also be the
reason why we did not have enough protein
concentration in run 2 to use the mass
spec machine.
lack of proteins
was not what we were expecting because in run 2 we tripled the number of
bovine eyes from 10
used in
the first run to 30 in the second run
we still had extremely low
protein concentration. In run 1 we pooled all fractions together to be able to obtain 5 microliters
of protein concentration to run the mass
spec machine and identify protein within the sample
(Figure 4). Based on the results, we found 23 bovine proteins a
ssociated with human proteins
however, since we pooled all purified fractions together, we did not have data on individual
protein abundance in each fraction. In run
, due to the lack of protein concentration in the 9
pooled fractions, we focused on getti
ng an accurate HPLC sample. We pooled fractions 12
into 9 fractions. Fraction 1 pooled fractions 12
18, fraction 2 pooled 19
25, 26
33 fraction were
pooled for fraction 3, fraction 4 included 34
40, fraction 5 was 41
45, fraction 6 had 46
fraction 7
included 51
55, fraction 8 pooled 56
59, and fraction 9 included 60
63. We observed
that pooled fraction 5 containing fractions 41
45 had the tallest peak in both runs. This indicates
that there were high protein levels there (Figure 5).
We compared our data to previous work from Li
and colleagues who studied mouse
retinas. We took the ~1200 proteins we identified in our mass
spec data and L
’s data to create
a scatter plot based on abundance. The plot exhibited many proteins in both data sets with low
abundance being
. However, the most abundant protein in both mouse and bovine is a
spectrum beta chain also known as
odrin. Fodrin plays a role in the development of the central
nervous system and cell secretion. Fodrin being the mo
st abundant in both species is
understandable because of the large rol
retinas hav
in the central nervous system. The most
abundant protein in the mouse sample is a cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain 1 which is an ATPase
and a motor protein for vesicles and organelles along microtubules. One of primary
cilia’s main
functions in the retina is to convert light to images and to this many vesicles are used. Having an
abundance of this protein in the mouse sample is consistent with the cilia’s function. The most
bundant bovine protein is a pyruvate kinase which regulates cell metabolism
(Israelsen &
Vander Heiden, 2015). Comparing bovine proteins to mouse proteins, the protein with the
highest abundance in bovine and lowest abundance in the mouse sample is a brain acid soluble
protein I
as an interference of oncogenic capacity of MYC
is a disease
protein coder (Hartl et al., 2020). On the other hand, the highest protein abundance in mice and
lowest in the bovine sample is a rootletin
is a major component of ciliary rootlets that
ciliogenesis. It is unclear as to why th
e bovine sample ha
such a low abundance of an
important ciliary protein. It may be due to how we prepared our sample for the mass
spec run.
The lack of rootlin protein
could also be due to the way we harvested the retina. The rootlin is
connected to the inner segment of the primary cilia. When we dissected the eye to obtain the
we may have left the inner segment still attached to the back of the eye. Another probable
cause could be our detergents are too strong and denatured this specific protein.
We identified
more unique proteins with 1,653 total proteins greater than two peptide spectral matches than the
Liu data set with
1,059 total proteins greater than two spectral matches (Liu et al., 2007).
Interestingly, the three proteins found in Figure 4
, CNGB1, STX3, and LZTFL1,
correlated with human ciliopathy diseases are not associated with the bovine proteins that are in
relation with Liu and colleagues mouse data.
In future experiments, we will discuss why our protein concentration has been so low
regardless of the
number of eyes used. We will look into the company that supplied the eyes and
perhaps try to reach out to a
farm to obtain fresh cow eyes as suggested in the Panfoli et al
paper. The fresh eyes may decrease the deformation of primary cilia and proteins as well. We
may also need to increase our cow eye sample from 30 to 50
100 eyes.
However, t
his increase
causes an issue of needing to quickly and eff
iciently dissection the eyes to avoid degradation of
proteins. Another change we could make in the methods is to decrease the use of buffers to
obtain a more concentrated sample. This may increase the protein concentration as well.
In sum, this research is important to understand the proteomics of primary cilia
, to
a gentle extraction method to understand what constitutes these cilia
and to be able to
research diseases associated with proteins within the cilia. With this information, we hope to aid
research in
areas such as
retinitis pigmentosa and
iedl syndrome that deal with
primary cilia structure and proteins.
Baker, S. A., & Kerov, V. (2013). Photoreceptor inner and outer segments.
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Hartl, M., Puglisi, K., Nist, A., Raffeiner, P., & Bister, K. (2020). The brain acid‐soluble protein
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Innovative Grade US Origin Bovine Eye Dark Adapted Retina
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Ishikawa T. (2017). Axoneme Structure from Motile Cilia.
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Israelsen, W. J., & Vander Heiden, M. G. (2015). Pyruvate kinase: Function, regulation and role
in cancer.
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Panfoli,I etal.(2022).Maximizing the Rod Outer Segment Yield in Retinas Extracted from Cattle
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Figure 1:
A diagram of the structure of a primary cilium
from Lui et al.
The outer segment
is where
the primary cilia is located
. The OS initiates visual signal
The G
protein coupled receptor Rhodopsin is arrayed in disks in
the outer
segment of the rod cells. Light activates rhodopsin thereby hyperpolarizing the rod cell and
sending a signal to downstream on
center bipolar cells.
The inner segment (IS) contains the
mitochondria and is where metabolism and regulation of membrane potential take place. The
is the speciGic name for the centrosome in the primary cilia. The axoneme consists of
nine doublet microtubules. It lacks the central pair of microtubules, radial spokes, and out/inner
dynein that are seen in motile
cilia. These
differences in
the structure make the primary cilia
Adeline Fredrick
Figure 2:
Infographic of Methods
schematic of the methods used to conduct this experiment. The bovine eye was dissected
using tools such as scalpels and forceps.
the ROS/Primary cilia are separated from the retinal
tissue using centrifugation techniques.
the puriCied samples are ran in the HPLC to
the sample to identify the protein interactions
the proteins in the centrifuged samples are
identiCied using a mass
spec machine.
ated by
Figure 3:
Scatter plot of bovine data vs. Lui et. al mouse data
A depiction of our bovine protein abundance data compared to a study by Liu et al. who
used a
similar puri=ication process with mouse retinas. Both samples contained similar
proteins at a low abundance and few proteins
with a high abundance in each
Mouse Abundance
Bovine Abundance
Spearman correlation=0.394
Adeline Fredrick
Gene Name
Abundance (psm)
Rep. 1
Rep. 2
Associated with
Retinitis Pigmentosa
Associated with
Biedl Syndrome
Figure 4:
Spectrometry Data
rom our MS analysis we identi6ied ~1200 bovine proteins; using GO enrichment
analysis the 40 most abundant were enriched with non
motile cilium, cilium
structure, and photoreceptors annotations. We cross referenced the proteins in our
sample with the Sysci
lia database gold standard and found 23 proteins associated
with cilia in our sample. The graph shows the abundance of 23 ciliary proteins
within replicate samples.
The genes CNGB1 and STX3 are associated with the
hereditary disease called Retinitis pigmen
tosa that causes the retina to degenerate.
The gene LZTFL1 is associated with Bardet
Biedl Syndrome with affects how cilia
are structured. This disease causes blindness, obesity, and low mental capacity.
Figure 5
In the second run of the experiment, we used HPLC to identify the fractions
with the highest protein concentration.
Two replicated samples were in the
HPLC to determine if there were differences in the sample.
The sample
contained 12
63 wells that were pooled into nine fractions as seen above. The
fraction with the highest peak and protein concertation was number Iive with
wells 41
45 pooled
Figure 6:
Protein Assay Data
In the second run of the experiment protein assay was used to indicate that pooled
fraction with the highest protein concentration. Based off of this data fraction three
comprised of wells 26
33 contained the highest protein concentration. However, this
action did not depict the highest peak in Figure 5.
The protein concentration in each
fraction should have been within the range of ~5ug. This sample contain only 4
14 ng
of protein. This run was not analyzed by mass spec due to the lack of protein
ration in each well.
Adeline Fredrick
This procedure will be performed in 3 parts on the same day. Part 1 is retina dissection/extraction. Part 2 is
ciliary complex purification. Part 3 is the HPLC protocol, this is detailed in a separate document. Preparation of
buffers/reagents, tools, and w
orkspace should be done the day before.
*Eye specimen will arrive at approximately 10AM
Mammalian Ringer (MR) 1L
Mix the following into 500mL MQ water, add solution to 1000mL graduated cylinder and bring to volume. pH
to 6.9
157 mL 1M NaCl
.5 mL 1M KCl
3.5 mL 200mM Na2HPO4
4 mL 200mM NaH2PO4
.05 mL 1M MgCl2
.05mL 1M CaCl2
2mM glucose (0.36g)
Aliquot enough MR solution for experiment.
add protease inhibitor (cOmplete
, Mini, EDTA
free Protease Inhibitor Cocktail) 1 tablet per
10mL buffer
Filter sterilize solution.
Buffer A 1L
10mM Pipes
5mM MgCl2
Protease inhibitor
pH 7
Buffer B 1L
10 mM Pipes,
pH 7.0,
5 mm MgCl2,
1% NP
1× protease inhibitor mixture
Part 1 Separating the Eye Semi
cup from the lens and vitreous humor
based on
Panfoli, I. et al. (2022). Maximizing the Rod Outer Segment Yield in Retinas Extracted from Cattle
Eyes. Bioprotocol 12(14): e4474. DOI: 10.21769/BioProtoc.4474.
All steps for Part 1 must be carried out at room temperature in a dark room.
Be sure to don proper PPE before beginning, lab coat, gloves, cut resistant gloves, and eye protection. Cut
resistant gloves go UNDER nitrile gloves.
Starting with whole bovine eyes, remove excess tissue with dissecting scissors. A lot of tissue
and muscle will be present.
This step should be done ASAP upon receipt of bovine eye specimen
Be sure to work slowly, so as not to squirt vitreous humor (eye goop) outside the dissection tray.
Puncture the eye just below the lens with a scalpel. Then use scissors to cut a larger hole in the
eye below the lens. Used forceps to hold the eye and sciss
ors to cut. The retina is a blueish white
opalescent layer. This will leave you with the lens and the "semi
cup" containing the retina.
refer to the image below taken from the bioprotocol
This step should be done in a nalgene tub or dissection tray lined with aluminum
foil for easier cleanup
Place the eye semi
cups in a secondary container for retina detachment with MR
Fill the secondary container from step 3 with enough MR to completely cover the eye semi cups.
Incubate the eyes w/ MR for 10
15 min, cover tray/tub with aluminum foil. Gently shake the
container every couple of minutes, or place on an orbital shaker at low speed if available. You
will know when it's done as the retina can be seen freely floating in
side the eye "semi
cup", it
will only be attached by the optic nerve.
Once the retina is detached ( it will just be hanging on by the optic nerve) quickly invert the eye
cup" , dispose of the MR and use scissors to cut the optic nerve, fully releasing the retina.
Invert the eye “semi
cup” over a waster container to catch the unwanted MR
Once inverted, move the specimen over the 50mL conical tube for collection and
cut the optic nerve
All retinas should be placed in 50mL centrifuge tubes. Split the number of retinas between two
tubes for centrifuge balancing
Part 2 Isolation of Cilia
based on
Liu et al. 2007
Precool the Sorvall centrifuge. Put a sticker on the centrifuge that you need for this machine.
Turn on machine: login 4109, pass 1234. If it doesn’t work, login and pass are on a fridge in our
lab. Put an empty rotor in a machine, tighten the screws and s
elect it via the ‘Rotor’ button. You
need 4°C, so select the temperature and spin the empty rotor for 15mins, at low rpm (1.5
Starting with (2) 50mL conical tubes containing the retinas, add 500uL of Buffer A (w/ 50%
(w/v) sucrose) per retina.
Vigorously vortex the tubes from step 1, to dislodge cilia.
Centrifuge the tubes from step 2 for 20 minutes, 13,000 g, 4C
Use the Sorvall centrifuge, the rotors are in the cold room
Gently remove the tubes from the centrifuge so as not to disturb the pellet
Place the 50 mL tube in a single tube rack
There will appear to be multiple layers in the supernatant, but treat all layers the
Remove the supernatant in thirds starting from the top, and put in a new tube
Dilute the collected sample from step 5 1:1 in Buffer A (without sucrose)
Mix by gently pipetting up and down
In each tube from step 6 add an equal volume of 50% sucrose solution(50%w/v sucrose in buffer
This is done carefully with a long blunt edge needle and syringe. The syringe tip
is placed near the bottom of the tube and the plunger is depressed to slowly fill
the bottom with the sucrose cushion. There should be clear phase separation ( a
line at the
interface of the sample and sucrose cushion)
Weigh to ensure centrifuge will be balanced. Add extra buffer A on top (very
carefully and slowly) to bring to correct mass
Centrifuge Sample from Step 7 for 20 minutes, 13,000 g, 4C.
Carefully remove the tubes from the centrifuge so as not to disturb the phase separation. Our
cilia will be at the interphase zone (around the phase separation line mentioned above)
Use a micropipette to remove the interphase zone resulting from step 9, and place in new tube.
Use smallest tubes possible, see note in step 12 for reason.