Predict_3cation_testtrain_69ternaries.csv The file contains an index column followed by 39 columns name like that give the experimental absorption spectrum at these 10 photo energies: 1.39, 1.58, 1.77, 1.96, 2.15, 2.35, 2.54, 2.73, 2.92, 3.11 ========================================== results_69ternaries.csv Has prediction results for all 69 data instances and many models. Each (composition,alpha index) is a row with ternary_data_instance matching the column from the above file where the "test" composition came from. The standardized_ground_truth transforms the value using the data instance and alpha index-specific mean_standardization and std_standardization. All prediction results are in these standardized units. ========================================== results_random_split.csv Similar results files but with a Random test set chosen from the union of the 69 data instance test sets. ========================================= prediction_new_ternary_compositions_hclmpt.csv Of the 31 elementws in the 69 data instances, 31-choose-3 minus 69 2-cation instances with 10% grid are predicted using the H-CLMP(T) (the same thing as HCLMP-GenDOS) model using the entire avaialble dataset as training data.