Hello! These notebooks should allow you to recreate the results in "Imaging the North Bishop Block with Converted Phases Observed through Fiber-Optic Seismology" by Bird et al. We can break the processing up into a few steps: Ambient Noise: The notebook xcor_setup.ipynb should help you preprocess one week of data for cross-correlation. Then, cross-correlations are performed in xcor_run.ipynb. The virtual sources derived from cross-correlations are slant-stacked in "Dispersion_Notebook.ipynb" to produce phase velocity dispersion curves. Converted Phases: We pick the delay between direct P arrivals and converted phases and the amplitude ratio between the two phases in "converted_phase.ipynb" Joint Inversion: We combine the results of the previous steps in a joint inversion in "MCMC.ipynb" (this is also where most of the figures from the paper are plotted). Thanks for reading and feel free to email me with any questions at elijahjosephbird@gmail.com, Eli Bird