These notebooks should allow you to recreate the results in "Imaging the North Bishop Block with Converted Phases Observed through Fiber-Optic Seismology" by Bird et al. We can break the processing up into a few steps:

Ambient Noise:
The virtual sources derived from cross-correlations are slant-stacked in "Dispersion_Notebook.ipynb" to produce phase velocity dispersion curves.

Converted Phases:
We pick the delay between direct P arrivals and converted phases and the amplitude ratio between the two phases in "converted_phase.ipynb" 

Joint Inversion:
We combine the results of the previous steps in a joint inversion in "MCMC.ipynb" (this is also where most of the figures from the paper are plotted). We also include the notebook "MCMC-NoAmp.ipynb", which should allow you to plot Figure S7.

Thanks for reading and feel free to email me with any questions at elijahjosephbird@gmail.com,
Eli Bird