Published April 19, 2019 | Version 0.1
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Chlorophyll fluorescence spectra for a wide range of species and conditions

  • 1. ROR icon California Institute of Technology


Magney, T., & Frankenberg, C. (2019). Chlorophyll fluorescence spectra for a wide range of species and conditions (0.1) [Data set]. CaltechDATA.


5 individual datasets are provided to accompany the following article: Troy S. Magney, Christian Frankenberg, Philipp Kӧhler, Gretchen North, Thomas S. Davis, Christian Dold, Debsunder Dutta, Joshua B. Fisher, Katja Grossmann, Alexis Harrington, Jerry Hatfield, Jochen Stutz, Ying Sun, Albert Porcar‐Castell. Accepted online May 7 2019. Disentangling controls on the spectral shape of chlorophyll fluorescence: Implications for remote sensing of photosynthesis. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences. doi: 10.1029/2019JG005029 This dataset will provide researchers with steady-state fluorescence spectra for individual leaves across a wide range of species and conditions used in the main figures presented in the paper. Light response curve information and fluorescence spectra can be found in the data files associated with the Hyytialla and Greenhouse study experiments. Steady-state fluorescence data collected at 600 PAR are provided in the Huntington and LaSelva datasets. Hourly averages for the canopy level data presented in the manuscript at presented in the canopy file. More information on the methods can be found in the paper and supplementary information doi: 10.1029/2019JG005029. All data presented in the Supplementary Information can be made available by the authors. Please contact Troy Magney,, if you plan to use the data or have any questions.


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Related Publication: Disentangling the spectral shape of chlorophyll fluorescence: Implications for remote sensing of photosynthesis Troy Magney Caltech Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences 2019-05-07 eng

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