This release includes a preview of the CaltechDATA cli tool. It is currently set up to work only with the test version of CaltechDATA, and may change functionality before we bring it into production.
New Contributors
@RohanBhattaraiNP and @elizabethjhwon contributed to the cli development
Full Changelog:
This release includes a full workflow for modifying records in CaltechAUTHORS and some small improvements to the CaltechDATA workflow, including support for getting metadata with a token.
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
Add in initial support for the InvenioRDM version of caltechAUTHORS by @tmorrell in This package will likely have a name change in the future to indicate that it works with multiple Caltech repositories.
Fix bugs in handling of OSN linked files.
Add missing requiremen...
This release adds new options to caltechdata_api:
default_preview is the file that will show up in the CaltechDATA file preview pane
file_descriptions is an array of text that is associated with external file links
s3_link is the parent download link for external file links (listed at the top of the external files block)
This release fixe...
This release includes a number of cli preview performance improvements, including switching to s3md for large uploads with additional automation. It also includes better token handling, support for multiple file uploads, and multiple values in
Includes improvements by @RohanBhattaraiNP and @elizabethjhwon
Full Changelog: https://gi...
This release makes a new command line interface (CLI) available for CaltechDATA. It allows you to create and edit records in CaltechDATA using the API entirely from the command line. You can create metadata entirely on the command line, or utilize a README template, ...