Supplementary Tables as separate worksheet tabs combined into one Excel (.xlsx) workbook:
Supplementary Table 1. EPMA analyses of olivine in pyroxenite from the Abu Samuki area
Supplementary Table S2a. EPMA analyses of clinopyroxene in pyroxenite from the Abu Samuki and Wadi El-Mireiwa areas
Supplementary Table S2b. Average REE concentrations i...
The Meaning of Pressure for Primary Magmas: New Insights from PRIMELT3-P; Herzberg et al. (2022)
This GUI is an interactive program of the macro-enabled excel version of PRIMELT3-P, also known as MEGA (Herzberg et al., 2022). It calculates the pressure, temperature, and composition of primary magmas of basalts that formed by adiabatic decompress...
PRIMARSMELT is a recalibration and update of the PRIMELT3 model for terrestrial primary magmas (Herzberg and Asimow, 2015), customized for Mars. PRIMARSMELT addresses both the mantle melting and magmatic differentiation aspects of the primary magma problem and only returns a solution when the forward and inverse approaches yield a consistent ans...