CliMA Land core code: CliMA Land v0.1 with a version tag A6+ (till new features and bug fixes)
CliMA Land simulation code: Code to run CliMA Land v0.1 version A6+ at the global scale (till new features and bug fixes)
File description: Examples of photosynthetic rate, loss of plant hydraulic conductance, soil water content, accumulated water use efficiency, and growing season mean photosynthetic rate for 20 sites and 6 years (120 figures in total). Examples of photosynthetic rate and loss of plant hydraulic conductance contours for ...
The collection of globally gridded datasets (artifacts for GriddingMachine.jl v0.2) include the following
Canopy height (CH)
Clumping index (CI)
Elevation (ELEV)
Gross primary productivity (GPP)
Land mask (LM)
Leaf area index (LAI)
Leaf chlorophyll content (CHL)
Leaf nitrogen content (LNC)
Leaf phosphorus content (LPC)
Plant functional type (PF...
CliMA Land model simulation results (version A6 based on GM1 and WD1), see here for details about the tag. These data will be made available through GriddingMachine when the paper is officially accepted.
rpar: regular PAR definition from 400 to 700 nm
epar: extended PAR definition from 400 to 750 nm
File list:
a6-gm1-wd1-YYYY-1X-1D: Dail...
Archive of CliMA Land versions used in different publications. Exact version used in GMD paper. Exact version used in BG paper.
File description: - Exact CliMA Land version used to perform this research; - Gridded NDVI, EVI, and NIRv from MODIS MCD43A4v006;
clima_gpp_2019.mp4 - Animation of hourly GPP on a rotating earth;
clima_sif740_2019.mp4 - Animation of hourly SIF740 on a rotating earth;
clima_nirv_2019.mp4 - Animation of hourly N...
This dataset provides high-resolution (30 m) remote sensing and modeling data collected as part of the SHIFT (Surface Biology and Geology High-Frequency Time Series) campaign conducted in 2022 at the Dangermond Preserve, California. The data, sourced from AVIRIS-NG (Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer-Next Generation), TROPOM...