These image files provide raw data from the paper entitled "HCR spectral imaging: 10-plex, quantitative, high-resolution RNA and protein imaging in highly autofluorescent samples" suitable for testing out the Unmix 1.0 and Dot Detection 2.0 software packages as follows:
File 1: zebrafish-10-plex.lif
10-plex RNA imaging in a whole-mount zebrafi...
Genomic data and corresponding GFF annotation data for the genomes used in the study "Horizontal transfer and convergence are evolutionary drivers of anaerobic methanotrophy in Ca. Methanovorans (ANME-3)" by Woods et al.
The dataset corresponding to our paper "Synthetic dosage-compensating miRNA circuits allow precision gene therapy for Rett syndrome". Data contained is described in the file included.
This dataset accompanies "Decoding Motor Plans Using a Closed-Loop Ultrasonic Brain-Machine Interface". It includes the 2 Hz real-time data (.mat files), metadata about each session (`project_record.json`), and description of the contents of each .mat file (`DescriptionOfVariables.pdf`).Abstract of "Decoding Motor Plans Using a Closed-Loop Ultra...