Updated File: Cell- and Tissue Volumes, including Syncytia and Ploidy. This table provides all the primary data obtained from measuring cell and tissue volumes of the Virtual Worm and the information collected from the literature on ploidy and syncytia.
This is a fasta file including the sequences presented in Figure 1 B: newly obtained sequence of fog-2 fragment converted with ftr-1. The sequence is in the file aligned to fog-2(wt), fog-2(q71) and ftr-1 for reference.
Supplementary Tables (6 sheets) including the data for QR.pax cell positions used to construct the main figure (Tables S1-4), the primer sequences (Table S5) and genotypes of introgressed lines (Table S6)
Median length (x-axis) is plotted against median length (y-axis) to visualize changes in body aspect ratio over time. Each point corresponds to the median length or median width of animals at each experimental hour. Post-molt relaxation is observed in WT, lon-3(e2175), and dpy-1(e1) as a slight decrease in median animal width. Post-molt relaxati...