Geology of Part of the Adelanto Hills:
The Adelanto Hills are a low range of folded limestone, situated about five miles northwest of Adelanto, California. The limestone is a dark blue finely crystalline, roughly bedded type, which has been hydrothermally altered in places to a white crystalline limestone, or to a fine grained highly altered b...
PostgreSQL/PostGIS (10.0/2.4) database binary dump file containing analytical data and model results for Crystal Knob xenolith project. The database contains analytical microprobe and SIMS data, mapping data for tectonic reconstructions, and results of finite-element and modeling runs. The data models and analysis code used to access this datab...
In recent years, attempts have been made to develop numerical models for unsteady flows in channels with sediment transport. The work presented in Reports KH-R-43A and KH-R-43B was conducted to analyze two essential ingredients of any numerical model: the relationship between the hydraulic variables (slope, depth, and velocity), and the predicto...
The region considered lies between the principal sections of Los Angeles and Alhambra, more strictly it is
bounded on the north by the 34°06' parallel, or about the
southern limit of south Pasadena, on the west by the 118°12'
meridian, on the south approximately by an extension of
Garvey Avenue, and on the east by Fremont Avenue. The area
The progressive metamorphism and origin of the amphibolites of the Lead-Deadwood area, S. Dakota, are considered in detail. Eighty specimens of amphibolite were collected along a belt 3 miles long extending across the entire garnet zone and part of the staurolite zone of the enclosing meta-sediments. These amphibolites were studied petrographica...
NOTE: Text or symbols not renderable in plain ASCII are indicated by [...]. Abstract is included in .pdf document.
The Little Chief stock of Upper Miocene (?) age, located in the central Panamint Range near Death Valley, California, crops out over an area of 2.5 by 4.5 miles and through an elevation range of 6300 feet. It is a crosscutting diap...
NOTE: Text or symbols not renderable in plain ASCII are indicated by [...]. Abstract is included in .pdf document.
The Little Chief stock of Upper Miocene (?) age, located in the central Panamint Range near Death Valley, California, crops out over an area of 2.5 by 4.5 miles and through an elevation range of 6300 feet. It is a crosscutting diap...
NOTE: Text or symbols not renderable in plain ASCII are indicated by [...]. Abstract is included in .pdf document.
The Little Chief stock of Upper Miocene (?) age, located in the central Panamint Range near Death Valley, California, crops out over an area of 2.5 by 4.5 miles and through an elevation range of 6300 feet. It is a crosscutting diap...