2012 (1.0)
Color contour map showing regional variations in compiled Al- inhbl emplacement pressures from plutonic rocks and conventional thermobarometric pressure determinations from metamorphic rocks of the SNB, Salinian block, and Mojave Desert draped over a DEM: Supplement 4 from "Late Cretaceous gravitational collapse of the southern Sierra Nevada batholith and adjacent areas above underplated schists, southern California" (Thesis)
The greater Sierra Nevada batholith (SNB) is an ~ 600 km long NNW-trending composite arc assemblage consisting of a myriad of plutons exhibiting a distinct transverse zonation in structural, petrologic, geochronologic, and isotopic patterns. However, south of 35.5 °N: 1) the depth of exposure increases markedly; 2) primary zonation patterns swi...
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