Extended figure 1: The N-terminal region of the yeast and human Utp25 is disordered. (Top) PONDR prediction of an N-terminal IDR (aa 1 to ~160) in the yeast Utp25. (Bottom) PONDR prediction of an N-terminal IDR (aa 1 to ~185) in the human UTP25.
Extended figure 3: The yeast and human AlphaFold Utp25 structures are conserved. ChimeraX file of the aligned yeast (P40498) and human (Q68CQ4) AlphaFold Utp25 structures shows that they are clearly superimposable and thus conserved in structure.
Extended figure 7: Alignment of the RecA-like domains 2 of Utp25 and of eIF4A. ChimeraX file of the aligned domains 2 of the AlphaFold yeast Utp25 (P40498) and yeast eIF4A (1FUU; (Caruthers et al. 2000)) crystal structure.
Extended figure 2: The high pLDDT domains 1 and 2 of the AlphaFold yeast Utp25 align well to eIF4A. Structural alignment of the individual RecA-like domains 1 and 2 of the AlphaFold yeast Utp25 (P40498) and yeast eIF4A (1FUU; (Caruthers et al. 2000)) crystal structure. The AlphaFold yeast Utp25 is coloured based on pLDDT score, from very low con...
Extended figure 6: Alignment of the RecA-like domains 1 of Utp25 and of eIF4A. ChimeraX file of the aligned domains 1 of the AlphaFold yeast Utp25 (P40498) and yeast eIF4A (1FUU; (Caruthers et al. 2000)) crystal structure.
Extended figure 5: Alignment of the full-length Utp25 and eIF4A structures. ChimeraX file of the aligned full-length (containing RecA domains 1 and 2) AlphaFold yeast Utp25 (P40498) and yeast eIF4A (1FUU; (Caruthers et al. 2000)) crystal structure. Note the structural similarity of domains 1 of Utp25 and of eIF4A and similarly of domains 2 of bo...